Why does the RBI not print more money?

A student called Sankalp asked us this question and as apprehended by him, this is not that stupid a question. Simply, why does the RBI not choose to simply print more money instead of thte country taking more loans from the IMF and world bank. Well, its a good idea in a perfect world but…

Fed Cut and Impact on Indian Economy

We received a query regarding the Fed cut and its possible impact on the Indian Economy. So we are posting a response to this question. Any doubts regarding this topic, you may ask us immediately. Interest Rates and their Role A Basis Point is 1/100th of of one percent. A Basis Point is generally used…

Doubts on Economy

We understand that a lot of students, especially from science background face a great difficulty in understanding news/issues of economy. The most common complaint we have come across is that terms used in the news/articles are difficult to understand and so is the implication of a certain event. So we have decided to come up…